



新概念英语 初阶 第一册

字体大小: 【小】 【中】 【大】

lesson 1 Excuse me! 单词跟读

lesson 3 Sorry,sir! 单词跟读

lesson 5 Nice to meet you! 单词跟读

lesson 7 Are you a teacher? 单词跟读

lesson 9 How are you today? 单词跟读

lesson 11 Is this your shirt 单词跟读

lesson 13 A new dress 单词跟读

lesson 15 Your passport,please? 单词跟读

lesson 17 How do you do? 单词跟读

lesson 19 Tired and thirsty 单词跟读

lesson 21 Which book? 单词跟读

lesson 23 Which glasses? 单词跟读

lesson 25 Mrs. Smith's kitchen 单词跟读

lesson 27 Mrs. Smith's living room 单词跟读

lesson 29 Come in, Amy. 单词跟读

lesson 31 Where is Sally? 单词跟读

lesson 33 A fine day 单词跟读

lesson 35 Our village 单词跟读

lesson 37 Making a bookcase 单词跟读

lesson 39 Don't drop it! 单词跟读

lesson 41 Penny's bag! 单词跟读

lesson 43 Hurry up! 单词跟读

lesson 45 The boss's letter 单词跟读

lesson 47 A cup of coffee 单词跟读

lesson 49 At the butcher's 单词跟读

lesson 51 A pleasant climate 单词跟读

lesson 53 An interesting climate 单词跟读

lesson 55 The Sawyer family 单词跟读

lesson 57 An unusual day 单词跟读

lesson 59 Is that all? 单词跟读

lesson 61 A bad cold 单词跟读

lesson 63 Thank you, doctor. 单词跟读

lesson 65 Not a baby 单词跟读

lesson 67 The weekend 单词跟读

lesson 69 The car race! 单词跟读

lesson 71 He is awful! 单词跟读

lesson 73 The way to King Street

lesson 75 Uncomfortable shoes

lesson 77 Terrible Toothache

lesson 79 Carol's shopping list

lesson 81 Roast beef and potatoes!

lesson 83 Going on holiday!

lesson 85 Paris in the spring

lesson 87 A car crash

lesson 89 For sale

lesson 91 Poor Iran!

lesson 93 Our new neighbour

lesson 95 Tickets, please.

lesson 97 A small blue case

lesson 99 Ow!

lesson 101

lesson 103

lesson 105

lesson 107

lesson 109

lesson 111

lesson 113

lesson 115

lesson 117

lesson 119

lesson 121

lesson 123

lesson 125

lesson 127

lesson 129

lesson 131

lesson 133

lesson 135

lesson 137

lesson 139

lesson 141

lesson 143

lesson 14

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